• Israeli siege harms Gaza olive cultivation
    • Olive cultivation and its related businesses in the Gaza Strip have been severely damaged due to Israel’s invasions and its long-time blockade of the impoverished coastal sliver, Press TV reports.
    • Bahrain troops attack mourners
    • Saudi-backed Bahraini forces attacked anti-government protesters, who took to the streets of Manama to mourn the death of a teenage activist killed by regime force, Press TV has learned.
    • US-led forces stoke instability in ME
    • Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has criticized the presence of US-led foreign troops in the Middle East, saying they escalate instability in the region.
    • Iran condemns Pakistan bus attack
    • Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman condemned an attack on a passenger bus in Pakistan’s southwestern province of Balochistan which killed dozens of Shia Muslims.
    • Laureate receives Nobel after death
    • Three scientists won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their novel findings about the human immune system, but one passed away before announcement.
    • Istanbul to host Iranian film week
    • Iran’s Visual Media Institute has arranged to hold an Iranian film week in the Turkish city of Istanbul in an attempt to introduce Iranian cinema and Persian culture.
    • Moderate exercise makes women happy
    • Penn State University researchers say middle-aged women who are engaged in moderate physical activity feel happier and are more likely to continue working out.
    • Early bed prevents childhood obesity
    • A new study conducted by researchers of the University of South Australia suggests children who are “early to bed and early to rise” are less likely to become obese.
    • Saudi protest turns violent by police
    • Anti-regime demonstrations in eastern Saudi Arabia have turned violent following brutal measures taken against protesters by security forces of the US-backed kingdom.
    • Bahrainis use traffic jams to protest
    • Anti-government protesters continue to cause huge traffic jams on the streets of Bahrain’ s capital, Manama, in a protest campaign against the repressive policies of the Al Khalifa regime, Press TV reports.
    • Gunmen kill 13 Shia Muslims in Pakistan
    • At least 13 Shia Muslims have been killed after unidentified gunmen opened fire on the passengers of a bus in Pakistan’ s southwestern province of Balochistan, Press TV reports.
    • Iran produces carbon nanotubes
    • Iranian scientists have produced carbon nanotube, a material which can greatly improve the quality of almost any product while reducing its weight, Press TV reported.
    • Revolts to spread to 40 US cities
    • The ongoing protests against corporate corruption and Washington’s financial policies in New York and several other US cities will spread to 40 major American cities, a political activist tells Press TV.
    • Plane crashes into Australia Ferris wheel
    • An ultra-light airplane has crashed into a Ferris wheel at a small town fair in eastern Australia shortly after taking off from a nearby grass airstrip and dangled from the structure for hours.
    • Saudi forces clash with protesters
    • Security forces have clashed in Saudi Arabia with pro-reform protesters in the Qatif Governorate in the Eastern Province of the country, Press TV reports.
    • Cocaine can cause blindness
    • People who use cocaine are at greater risk of developing open-angle glaucoma, an eye disorder and one of the most common causes of blindness.
    • Laughter helps dementia patients
    • A new study says laughter and humor therapy is as effective as the widely used antipsychotic drugs in treating agitated patients with dementia.
    • UN condemns Bahrain harsh sentences
    • The United Nations human rights office has condemned the harsh sentences issued by military courts in Bahrain for medical workers and dozens of protesters.
    • Salehi meets with Thai, Namibian FMs
    • Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi has met with his counterparts from Thailand and Namibia, as well as a number of other senior foreign officials.
    • Saudi woman to be flogged for driving
    • A Saudi woman has been sentenced to 10 whip lashes for driving a car in defiance of the ban on female drivers and another woman has been arrested in this connection, says an activist.
    • Iran, Brazil share common interests
    • Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi says despite the geographical distance between Iran and Brazil, the two countries share common interests.
    • Belly fat increases asthma risk
    • People who have excessive belly fat are not only at higher risks for diabetes and heart disease but may also be at a greater odd to developing asthma as well.
    • Bahrain arrests females over elections
    • The country’s main opposition group, al-Wefaq says Bahraini security forces have arrested and beaten more than 40 females protesting against the parliamentary by-elections in Bahrain.
    • Obama, tool of Israeli lobby: US analyst
    • US President Barack Obama is manipulated by the powerful Israeli lobby that wields major influence amongst American government and media circles, a political analyst told.
    • Iran film warmly received in Singapore
    • Iranian filmmaker and actor Mehrshad Karkhani’s National Alley has been warmly received in the 24th edition of the Singapore International Film Festival (SIFF).
    • Israel dreadful of Iran’s reaction
    • Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the Israeli regime and its allies have drawn up plans to launch attacks on the Islamic Republic but are fearful of the Iranian nation’s response.
    • Iran: UNSC must act against injustice
    • Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the UN Security Council (UNSC) should become an authority that defends world nations against injustice and oppression.
    • US threatened Iran for 9/11 probe offer
    • Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad censures US moves to threaten Tehran for urging the establishment of an independent truth-finding commission to probe the 9/11 incidents, instead of welcoming the effort.
    • US reaction validates Iran’s 9/11 case
    • An Iranian lawmaker says US reaction to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s remarks concerning the need for an impartial probe of the 9/11 attacks, strengthens the theory that the terror incident was fabricated.
    • Eating fish may lower stroke risk
    • Swedish researchers have found new evidence supporting the theory that people who regularly eat fish have a lower risk of developing a stroke.
    • Saudis, West can’t replace Saleh
    • Yemen’ s Ali Abdullah Saleh has returned to the country because Saudi Arabia and the West have not been able to find an alternative to replace him, a political analyst has told.