• Mu'tah University
    • http://www.mutah.edu.jo/ Mu'tah University was established in 1981 by a Royal Decree from the Late HM King Hussein as a military institution of higher education. Later, in 1986, a civilian ...
    • Tarbiat Modares University
    • ity http://www.modares.ac.ir/ Educational System In view of the diversity and multiplicity of fields in the higher educational system and in order to establish a general interconnection between different levels...
    • The University of Benin (Nigeria)
    • ia) http://www.uniben.edu/ TheUniversity of Benin was founded on23 November 1970 by the then Midwestern State Government initially as the Midwest Institute of Technology.  The Institute achieved full Universit...
    • Abu Dhabi University (ADU)
    • DU) http://www.adu.ac.ae/about.html Abu Dhabi University (ADU) is a newly-established university located in the United Arab Emirates with two campuses in Abu Dhabi (UAE Capital City) and another in Al Ain (Home C...
    • Al al-Bayt University
    • ity http://www.aabu.edu.jo/ Al al-Bayt University (The House of theProphetUniversity) is located on the outskirts of the city of Mafraq , 65 Kilometers to the north-east (about 45 minutes drive) of the capital Am...
    • National University of Uzbekistan
    • istan http://www.nuu.uz History At the end of XIX century there was an idea to organize a University inTurkestan, a motherland of the great scholars. This idea was written on the pages of the newspapers and jou...
    • University of Bahrain
    • ain http://www.uob.edu.bh/about-uob.htm The Establishment and Development The roots of the University go back to the late sixties when the Higher Institutes for male and female teachers were established. These insti...
    • Islamic University - GAZA (IUG)
    • G) http://www.iugaza.edu/ Introduction The Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) is an independent Palestinian institution located inGaza. It is the first higher education institution to be established in Gaza. IUG beg...
    • The University of Science
    • nce & Technology in Sana’a http://www.ust.edu/general_info.php#UniversityLocation   General Information The University of Science & Technology is the first private and non-profitable institute of hig...
    • Minia University
    • ity http://www.minia.edu.eg/Minya/index1.htm A Historical Note The Minia University was established in the year 1976, with the separation of some faculties of Assiut University, namely the Faculty of Agriculture, the...
    • The Hashemite University
    • ity http://www.hu.edu.jo/ The idea of establishing theHashemite University as the 5th official university in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan came into existence due to a number of considerations. The most importa...
    • Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
    • NIMAS) http://www.unimas.my/ Introduction Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) was officially incorporated on24 December 1992. Unimas is the eighth University, established just after the declaration of Vis...
    • World University of Bangladesh
    • esh http://www.wub.edu The World University of Bangladesh (WUB) is a private university, created under the Private University Act, 1992 (amended in 1998) & approved by the Government of Bangladesh and the U...
    • The International Turkmen Turkish University
    • ty http://www.ittu.edu.tm/en/ The International Turkmen Turkish University, one of the youngest higher educational institutions of the Independent Turkmenistan, was established following the Presidential Decree on Au...
    • Tanta University
    • ity http://www.tanta.edu.eg/EN/index.htm University Location Tanta University is located in Tanta city, capital of Gharbia governorate, with a distance of 90Km from Cairo, and 120 Km from Alexandria, and it’s ...
    • Istanbul Technical University
    • ity http://www.itu.edu.tr/e ITU was established in 1773, during the time of the Ottoman Sultan Mustafa III. With its original name "Muhendishane-i Bahr-i Humayun", The Royal School of Naval Engineering, its...
    • Hacettepe University
    • rsity http://www.hacettepe.edu.tr/english / History HacettepeUniversityhasalways endeavoredtotrainenlightened, research-minded, scientificallyorientedpeopleofintegrityandgood character. Thehistoryof Hacettep...
    • Multimedia University
    • ty Cyberjaya Overview Malaysia's first truly intelligent city, Cyberjaya was officially launched by the Fourth Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad on 8th July 1999. The landmark event was witnessed by 25 of the wo...
    • University of Dhaka
    • Dhaka http://www.univdhaka.edu/ The first-ever University in Bangladesh, Dhaka University began with 192 students and 3 faculties in July 1st, 1921. The East Bengal Educational Ordinance, 1947, was promulgated, b...
    • Université Libre de Tunis
    • nis http://www.ult.ens.tn/ UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE TUNIS 30 AVENUE KHEIREDDINE PACHA 1002 TUNIS-TUNISIE TEL: (216) 71 841 411 FAX: (216) 71 782 260 E-MAIL: INTAC.ULT@PLANET.TN History The Université Li...
    • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
    • gy http://www.knust.edu.gh/ The motto of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology is 'Nyansapo wosane no badwemma'  (Twi) which literally translated into English is 'The Knot of Wisdom can be untie...
    • University of Khartoum
    • hartoum http://www.uofk.edu/ The rootsoftheUniversityof Khartoum (U.of K.)gobackto 1898whenLord KitchenerproposedfoundingacollegeinmemoryofGeneral Gordon.Fundsfortheproposedcollegewereraisedbyprivatesubscription,an...
    • The Ahfad University for Women
    • men http://www.ahfad.org/ Private university inSudan dedicated to educating women, strengthening women's roles in national and rural development, and achieving equity for women in Sudanese society Omdurman, Suda...
    • University of Tehran
    • an http://www.ut.ac.ir/en/index.htm University of Tehran, is the oldest and largest scientific, educational and research center of the country which is called the“Mother University” and the“Symbol of higher educa...
    • Yarmouk University
    • ity http://www.yu.edu.jo/main.htm Founded in 1976 by a Royal Decree, Yarmouk University, YU, has grown both in size and stature over the years. It has become a leading institution of higher learning, known for its d...
    • Jamia Millia Islamia
    • mia http://jmi.nic.in/ Introduction Jamia Millia Islamia, an institution originally established at Aligarh in United Provinces, India in 1920 became a Central University by an act of the Indian Parliament in 1988....
    • Introducing university
    • ww.iiu.edu.pk/ Introduction The foundation of the Islamic University , Islamabad was laid on the first day of the  fifteenth century Hijrah i.e.Muharram 1, 1401 (November 11,1980).   This landmark of...
    • Alzahra University
    • ity http://www.azzahra.ac.ir/aboutuni.htm       Brief History of Alzahra University  Alzahra University, the only Iranian university exclusively established for girls and women students, wa...
    • Sultan Qaboos University – Oman
    • man http://www.squ.edu.om INTRODUCTION SultanQaboosUniversity is the realization of the promise announced by His. Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said during the 10th anniversary ofOman’s National Day in 1980. Co...
    • The University of Sarajevo
    • jevo http://www.unsa.ba/eng/home.php The University of Sarajevo descends from a century long tradition of higher education in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Sarajevo. The institutional beginnings of higher education are ...
    • Tuzla University
    • ty 1976-2001 http://www.untz.ba/about Tuzla University, containing 34 study profiles organizes and realizes teaching-scientific process at undergraduate and postgraduate level of the study at nine faculties containi...
    • University of Qatar
    • atar http://www.qu.edu.qa/home/ Overview of Administration At the University of Qatar, the day-to-day execution of academic, research and administrative matters is the responsibility of the President. The P...
    • Al-Azhar University
    • sity The world's oldest university and Sunni Islam's foremost seat of learning Al-Azhar university concerns itself with the religious syllabus, which pays special attention to the Qur'anic sciences and traditions o...
    • University of Isfahan
    • han http://www.ui.ac.ir / The University of Isfahan is beautiful and has a unique location. It is a state institution. The campus is located at the foot of the Kuh Soffeh (Soffeh Mountain) with an area of 4.5 mil...
    • University of Karachi
    • chi http://www.ku.edu.pk/ At the time of creation ofPakistan as a sovereign state in 1947, means for higher education and research were negligible. Responding to the impending requirement of higher learning, Pakis...
    • University of Tabriz
    • riz http://www.tabrizu.ac.ir/ The initial idea of establishing the University of Tabriz born a year after the termination of the threatening international catastrophe; the Second World War and took shape very soon o...
    • The University of Jordan
    • an http://www.ju.edu.jo/ The University of Jordan is both a modern as well as old institution of Higher Education in Jordan. Established in 1962, the University has, since then, applied itself to the advancem...
    • Iran University of Science
    • ence & Technology http://www.iust.ac.ir/IUSTEntry/ Iran University of science and Technology was first established in 1929 as the Iranian Institution for Higher Technical Education. Ultimately in 1978,It was aw...
    • Shiraz University
    • ity http://www.shirazu.ac.ir/index.html The initial nucleus of Shiraz University was formed in 1946 with the establishment of thejunior college of Health which aimed at training specialists in the Medical Sciences ...
    • Shahid Beheshti University (SBU)
    • SBU ) http://www.sbu.ac.ir/ Shahid Beheshti University, established in 1960, combines the tradition of a classical university with the dynamic character of a modern and interdisciplinary scie...
    • ITY http://www.aku.edu/ Founded by His Highness the Aga Khan and chartered in 1983 as Pakistan’s first private university, AKU’s objective is to promote human welfare in general, and the welfare of the people of P...
    • The National Board for Scientific Research of Libya
    • bya The National Board for Scientific Research (NBSR) with its affiliated Research Centers is responsible for recruiting scientific and research expertise and coordinating between various research institutes in Great Jamihi...
    • Payame Noor University
    • ity http://www.pnu.ac.ir/latin/lhome.htm Payame Noor University (PNU) was established to help to realize the higher education goals including the democratization of advanced education, provision of a part of the re...
    • King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
    • als   KFUPM http://www.kfupm.edu.sa/kfupm HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF THE UNIVERSITY King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) was officially established by Royal Decree on 5 Jumada I, 1383 H. (23...
    • BAH http://www.ums.edu.my/ Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) was established on24th November 1994. His Royal Highness the Pertuan Agung proclaimed the establishment of UMS under Section 6(1) of the Universities and ...
    • Mohammad Ali Jinnah University
    • ity http://www.jinnah.edu.pk/ INTRODUCTION MohammadAli Jinnah University is chartered by the Government of Sindh as a comprehensive institution, authorized to award earned or honorary degrees at all levels, fro...
    • East West University
    • ity http://www.ewubd.edu/ History The idea of establishing a private university to provide quality education at an affordable cost in Bangladesh was first mooted by a group of prominent academics, business leaders,...
    • University of Karachi
    • chi www.ku.edu.pk At the time of creation of Pakistan as a sovereign state in 1947, means for higher education and research were negligible. Responding to the impending requirement of higher learning, Pakistan start...
    • Iqra University
    • ty http://www.iqra.edu.pk/index.htm Foundation of Iqra University was laid when the Asian Management Institute was established with a mission to provide quality education and training in Business Administration, C...
    • Darul Ihsan University (DIU)
    • IU) http://www.diu.edu/ Unlike many other universities of Bangladesh,Darul Ihsan University (DIU)has been integrating two-education system viz., religious and conventional right at the primary stage. This feature o...
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