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  • Date :
  • 2/27/2016

Nightingale of the dawns

muhammad taqi bahar

O Nightingale of the dawns!
Sing; sing for us once more!
Sing of the torments of my soul, our souls!
With the flames of your sigh, your sigh,
Burn the bars of this cage, fly wide and high!
Fly wide and high!

O Nightingale of the dawns!
Open your cloaked, clutched wings!
Pass through the locked gates and sing, sing!
The air of freedom!
An anthem for the free!
A dirge for the piercing mace
In the heart of the human race!

The wrong of the unjust, the affliction of people,
Alas, devastates, alas, devastates my home, my dwelling!

Oh! O God, O goodness, O goddess of fate!
Will you? But when, when you will
Alight our darkened nights
Enlighten our hearts?
Nightingale of the dawns sings!
Sing; sing the song of the spring!
The flowers, the trees, everywhere they grew.
My eyes are adorned with their lightly dew!

But alas!
Alas in this cage,
My bleeding heart is chilly, it is dark!
My bleeding heart is silent, it is cold!
With the flames of your sigh, your sigh
Burn the bars of the cage, fly wide and high!
With the flames of your sigh, your sigh
Burn the bars of this cage, fly wide and high!
Fly wide and high!

Nightingale of the dawns!
Sing; sing for us once more!

And the wheel of fortune
Spares us the filth,
Spares us the dearth,
Spares us the grief!
Let this pain be brief!

O Nightingale of the dawns!
Sing; sing for us once more!
Sing of plight and pain,
Sing of the sound of chain,
The captives’ chant refrain.

O Nightingale of the dawns!
Sing; sing for us once more
And the torments of our souls,
May shatter, be cut short
May shatter, be cut short!

O Nightingale of the dawns!
Sing; sing for us once more!
Seal the torments of our souls
Beneath the freedom’s soil,
Beyond this locked door!

O Nightingale of the dawns,
Sing; sing of the vast skies
We knew before
I knew before!

O Nightingale of the dawns!
Open your cloaked, clutched wings!
Pass through the locked gates and sing, sing!
The air of freedom!
An anthem for the free!
A dirge for the piercing mace
In the heart of the human race!

By Muhammad Taqi Bahar

Source: irib.ir

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