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Tebyan Cultural and Information Center

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About Us

Tebyan is a cultural and information institution established on September 11, 2001 to disseminate information on religious affairs, introduce rich Islamic culture and promote Islamic viewpoints through information technology. The center officially started Web work in 2002.

Tebyan has managed to realize anticipated goals by publishing news and services in nine languages namely Persian, Arabic, English, French, Russian, Turkish, Urdu, Malawi and Kurdish.

Tebyan Priorities

· Creating a safe and clean information environment for the interested walks of life

· Presenting authentic information and articles on cultural, religious, social and political issues

· Presenting important international news and events with an emphasis on the news and analyses on the issues related to the world of Islam

· Presenting reliable information about cultural, Islamic and religious fields

· Publishing special news analyses

· Publishing audio-visual, graphic and entertainment clips

· Presenting high-quality electronic and audio books in the form of electronic library with download and replay options free of charge

· Publishing special supplements on world events

· Publishing occasional special supplements on religious and Islamic events

· Online question and answer (Q & A) service between the users and Tebyan experts

English Website of Tebyan Cultural and Information Center

The Tebyan website is accessible through www.tebyan.net. Users can select the required language in the first line of navigators. There is a form for membership in the website but all news, analyses and information are available for the users free of charge. Membership grants additional services to the users.

Website Menus

The major menus on the website of Tebyan Cultural and Information Center are Islam, Iran, Muslim family, services, learning Persian language, Persian literature, etc. There are submenus within each menu for additional information of the users.


The Islam menu of Tebyan website includes very interesting materials. The articles, covering almost all religious fields, are taken from the most reliable religious sources.  Users who have newly embraced Islam or those seeking additional information on Islam for either deepening their information or doing research will find helpful materials in this part. The submenus in this category are the Qur'an, religious beliefs in Islam, Muslim personalities and scholars, Islamic ethics, the Infallible Household of the Prophet (PBUH), Sahaba or the companions of the Prophet (PBUH), prayers, Islamic history and civilization, Islamic supplications, introducing Islamic centers across the globe, etc.


In this category, the website has introduced key events in the history of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Articles on Iranian history and civilization, all forms of civilizational issues are all available in this category, which include rites and rituals in various regions, culture of Iranian tribes, living customs of Iranian tribes in diverse climatic conditions, genuine Iranian art and handicrafts, genuine Iranian music, historical monuments, social culture of the people, Islamic Revolution of Iran as a great and influential Islamic movement in Iran and the world, renowned Iranian personalities and luminaries, etc. This section contains photos and texts on tourist attractions of provinces for the use of the tourists.

Muslim Family

This section includes rich materials on family as the nucleus of the society. It offers information about various aspects of a Muslim family, family members, family health, status of each family member in the society as well as children and young adults. The section also provides some information on the health of family members and family health in general. With respect to the important role of Muslim women in the family and society, the website provides interesting articles on women. Children, science and life are other submenus in this category.


This menu includes the submenus of amusement, treasury, film and animation, and download options. Each submenu contains texts, films, audio-visual files, books, satire and competition.

Special Supplements

As it was mentioned earlier, one of the major goals of Tebyan Cultural and Information Center is to provide and present special supplements on various religious and national occasions. In this connection, the website has plans to post special religious supplements on the website on religious occasions such as Id al-Fitr and Id al-Adha. Each special supplement contains very attractive photos, texts, and high-quality audio-visual files.

Photo Gallery

The photo gallery features numerous photographs on various subject matters. Users can discover beauties of Iran and other attractive subjects in this gallery.

Expecting to visit you on english.tebyan.net

Translated by: Sadroddin Musawi

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