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  • Date :
  • 6/19/2011

Conditions of Itikaf (Part 2)


Permission of the Guardian

As mentioned previously in passing, Itikaf performed without the permission of his guardian or any person whose rights would be taken away if the person was to go in a state of Itikaf is not correct. Thus, it is for this reason that the wife must also take her husband’s permission if her Itikaf would infringe on marital rights with his wife. Similarly, if one’s parents are not happy or are concerned for their son or daughter and do not permit him to make Itikaf, then the child is not permitted to go forth for this (recommended) act of worship.

The Intention (Niyyat) for Itikaf

The intention for Itikaf is of three main types. The most common form is the recommended  Itikaf, however it can also become obligatory (wajib) if a person makes an oath or promise to Allah ( for the fulfillment of something (and in that oath he had promised Allah (that he would perform  Itikaf if his prayer is fulfilled). The third intention which can be made for Itikaf is that it is being done on behalf of someone else – similar to how people perform Hajj for their deceased relatives or make up missed prayers of parents who have passed away or others.

Therefore, it is necessary for the correctness of Itikaf to specify the intention and the type that one wants to perform.

Time and Place of the Intention of the Itikaf and the Place of Itikaf

The intention must be made from the beginning of the time of Fajr on the first day and it is not permissible to delay it until the end of the time of Fajr (just before sunrise), however if just before the rising of the sun of Fajr, one makes his intention, this will still be sufficient. At the time of making intention for  Itikaf, the person must be inside the Masjid in which he/she wishes to perform  Itikaf, however if at the beginning time of Fajr he leaves to redo another important task, then he is still able to do his intention (upon returning). The place of Itikaf must be the Masjid and therefore, performing Itikaf in any place other than a Masjid such as a room or hall used for salat a Musalla (specific building which is made only for Jam?`at Salat and other places like this (which are not proper Masajid) is not correct.


The preferential order of where Itikaf should be performed is: Masjid-Al Haram, Masjid-ul-Nabi (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family), Masjid- Al Kufa and then the Masjid of Basrah – after these, then any other “Central” and “Congregational” Masjid is permissible to perform the Itikaf in.

By stating this, it clearly means that in places like the traditonal Hussainia or Imambargah and other places such as this, it is not correct to perform the Itikaf – this act is limited to the four mentioned Masajid and then the Central Masjid of a city.  Based on this ruling, although the scholars permit Itikaf in these other buildings (which are not proper Mas?jid), however the specific rulings of Itikaf would not hold in other such venues. If one was to perform Itikaf in any place other than the “Central Masjid” then he would need to do so with the intention that this act would bring him closer to Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him) and that he is hoping for a reward in this act (of being done outside of a proper Masjid as per the Islamic legislations). Therefore, if there are three or four Masajid in one city, since they are not of the four Masajid in which  Itikaf can be performed in (with that special intention), the people may use all of them for the program of  Itikaf. The meaning of the Central or Congregational Masjid is that which a majority of the people frequent (other than this Masjid would be those referred to with names such as the Masjid of the Bazar, the Masjid of a School, the Masjid inside a factory, etc…) and it is not permissible to perform the  Itikaf in these places. The courtyards and entrances of the Masjid are not considered as a part of the Masjid except in the case that they are recognized and known (by others) to be an actual part of the Masjid. If a person doubts if the place in which he is, is actually a Masjid or not, then according to the rules, he is not permitted to perform Itikaf there until he ascertains and has certainty that the place where he is truly is a part of the Masjid.

Source: coiradio.com

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