• How to Eat Your Vitamins: Folic Acid (Folate)
    • Low intake during pregnancy causes a higher-than-normal risk of neural-tube birth defects, such as spina bifida. Deficiencies may be a risk factor for some cancers, heart disease, and stroke.
    • How to Eat Your Vitamins: Vitamin E
    • This vitamins major function is as an antioxidant. Recent studies point to positive effects on eye health and the prevention of Alzheimers disease.
    • How to Eat Your Vitamins: Vitamin C
    • Vitamin C is an antioxidant that has been shown to fight DNA-damaging free radicals. It may help to maintain a healthy immune system and boost HDL, the so-called good cholesterol....
    • How to Eat Your Vitamins: Vitamin D
    • It enhances calcium absorption. A vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteoporosis and has been linked to certain cancers, as well as to multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, and other chronic illnesses.....
    • An Apple a day...
    • One of the prominent fruits that has donated its fruity flavor and richly contributed to the English idi¬omatic usage is the homely apple....
    • Eid Recipe: Arab bread 'Hurs'
    • Hurs is an Arab bread made up of very thin layers. It is a very popular addition to the meal at Iftar time and can be served with a number of garnishes, sweet or savoury....
    • Grapes, good or bad?
    • Nutritionists believe the tonic effect of grapes help weight gain, and are a treatment for anemia, constipation, and liver failure...
    • What Is an Egg Allergy?
    • Babies sometimes will have an allergic reaction to eggs. If that happens, they can’t eat eggs for a while. But the good news is that most kids outgrow this allergy by...
    • Green tea reduces heart disease
    • green tea improves the function of endothelial cells that line the blood vessels and prevent the progression of atherosclerosis....
    • Aash-e Reshteh
    • Dramatic presentation! A delicious Persian thick noodle "soup" with meatballsand lots of greens--parsley, spinnach etc., and lentils, white beans, kashk (leftover from milk after making cheese from it) etc....
    • Olive, too good to be true
    • A diet rich in olive oil is effective in reducing weight, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and the risk of suffering heart failure.
    • Green tea may shield sleep apnea
    • Compounds found in green tea may help ward off the neurological damage that can come with the breathing disorder sleep apnea, a new study hints....
    • Chocolate useful for pregnancy
    • Indulging in chocolate during pregnancy could help ward off a serious complication known as preeclampsia, new research suggests....
    • Iranian Cooking: Kabab Koobideh
    • Impress your family and friends with some nice Iranian cooking, learn how to cook the most eaten food in Iran....Kabab Kobideh!!!Yummy!!!....
    • Is the world headed for a food crisis?
    • Is the world headed for a food crisis? India, Mexico and Yemen have seen food riots this year. Argentines boycotted tomatoes during the country's recent presidential elections when the vegetable became more expensive than meat...
    • Food crisis a tsunami for the poor
    • Spiraling food prices have led to the world's first major food crisis since World War II, conjuring up the horrid image of plunging as many as 100 million people deeper into poverty....
    • Garlic prevent Cancer
    • Garlic has proven virtues. It can lower cholesterol, prevent the formation of blood clots, reduce blood pressure, prevent cancer....
    • Eat to Lose
    • The Prevention Reshape Your Body plan incorporates easy food strategies you can follow for life.....
    • The Correct Way of Eating Fruits
    • We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths. It's not so easy as you think.....
    • The Importance of Breakfast
    • In the time you spend each morning calibrating your hair gel, you could be doing something more important, with a much better payoff: eating breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day....
    • the merits of the lemon
    • A native from Asia, probably from India, it is now widely cultivated in Italy, California and Australia....
    • What is Green Tea?
    • This fact sheet provides basic information about green tea--common names, uses, potential side effects, and resources for more information...
    • How to get a healthy heart
    • A good diet can cut the risk of heart disease T he three main triggers of heart disease are smoking, lack of exercise and a poor diet. All are difficult habits to kick. For some, the changes needed are only ...
    • The Olive: A Health- Giving Plant
    • ant O ne of the foods to which attention is drawn in the Qur'an is the olive. Research in recent years has revealed that the olive is not just a delicious food but also represents an important source of good health. ...
    • The Miracle of Honey
    • Your Lord revealed to the bees: "Build dwellings in the mountains and the trees, and also in the structures which men erect. Then eat from every kind of fruit and travel the paths of your Lord, which have be...
    • The Formation of Milk
    • ilk There is instruction for you in cattle. From the contents of their bellies, from between the dung and blood, We give you pure milk to drink, easy for drinkers to swallow. (Qur'an, 16:66) Say: “Who provides for you f...
    • Fish: A Valuable Source of Nutrition
    • ion Anything you catch in the sea is lawful for you, and all food from it, for your enjoyment and that of travelers … (Qur"an, 5:96) T he fact the average age of people developing and dying from heart disease is...