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  • 6/20/2013

How to Get Rid of Pneumonia with Home Remedies?


What Is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is respiratory condition that most of us are familiar with, but know little about. Pneumonia is a condition in which the lungs are afflicted with inflammation, often caused by infection. This results in an impaired process of respiration, with an obstruction to the intake of oxygen and the expulsion of carbon dioxide. Pneumonia is a very serious health condition, as the reduction in the supply of oxygen to the tissues and organs can even be fatal. With the advances in modern medicine the effectiveness of treatment is considerable and most people recover completely. The condition is still a common cause of death, but this is only when it occurs as a result of, or in combination with other complications.

The inflammation of the lung tissue may occur in just one or both lungs, and could be the result of infection with various micro-organisms, like bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitical. Bacterial infections are the most common cause of pneumonia and in such a scenario, antibiotics can be extremely effective. Treatment with home remedies for pneumonia can help to the extent that they may provide relief from the symptoms and can also help to strengthen immunity, hastening your recovery. Infections however, are not the only possible causes of pneumonia and in some cases the inhalation of toxic smoke or corrosive chemicals. In rare cases, the condition may develop as a result of exposure to some allergen.

Although not as common or nearly as fatal as it once was, pneumonia is still rather common and is often a cause of death among those over the age of 70. Of all those afflicted with pneumonia however, only 0.5% are likely to succumb to the condition.

Symptoms of Pneumonia

Symptoms of pneumonia can often be confusing and it can be impossible to diagnose the condition conclusively at home. For this reason if you notice any of the warning signs or have any reason to suspect pneumonia, make it a point to consult with your doctor for an accurate medical diagnosis immediately. The symptoms of pneumonia can vary depending on the cause, and they can also be very subtle or go unnoticed in older individuals. Typically, the symptoms of pneumonia closely resemble those of a flu, starting with a cough and fever. This is why the condition often goes unrecognized until in a more advanced stage. The most common signs of pneumonia include the following:

Most cases of pneumonia are bacterial and the symptoms will include fever, shivering fits, chest pain and coughing.

The cough is usually dry at first, but phlegm production is observed within a day or two. You may notice yellowish colored or seemingly bloodstained phlegm.

There is likely to be a sudden onset of high fever, with shaking and chills. In older people however, the fever may be mild or temperature may even be normal.

Breathlessness and shallow or rapid breathing is also observed and you may find yourself gasping for air.

In addition to these symptoms, you may also notice:

If the infection is towards the lower lungs, patients may not experience breathing problems, but could suffer abdominal pain and vomiting. In children, bacterial pneumonia usually causes all of the symptoms and their onset is quite rapid. In viral infections, the onset of symptoms is a lot more gradual and less severe.

Home Remedies for Pneumonia

The proper treatment for this condition usually depends on the type of pneumonia you have and the severity of symptoms.

It is particularly important to see a doctor if you are having difficulty breathing, chest pain, persistent fever (102 degrees Fahrenheit or higher) or persistent cough. If other symptoms are not severe, you can try some home remedies as an adjunct to the main course of treatment.



Among garlic’s added advantages as an antibiotic is its selectivity. Garlic appears to focus on bad germs without also killing the good bacteria which are required for the human body to work correctly. This works better than most prescription antibiotics that blindly kill good and bad bacteria. Talk with a health practitioner before pursuing this path.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper has high capsaicin content that stimulates the release of mucous from the respiratory passages. Thus, it helps clear the mucus from the respiratory system. Cayenne pepper is also a good source of beta-carotene, which helps in the healthy development of mucus membranes.

Mix some lemon juice and a dash of cayenne pepper in an eight-ounce glass of water. Drink it a few times a day.

You can also mix cayenne pepper in a cup of carrot juice. Both are beneficial for treating pneumonia.

Vegetable Juice

Fresh carrot juice, spinach juice, beet juice, cucumber juice, and other vegetable juices are excellent for your health, especially when dealing with pneumonia. They boost immunity, dissolve mucus, and aid in detoxification. Being rich in phosphorus and chlorine, parsnip juice, too, is highly beneficial for your lungs and bronchial system.

Combine spinach juice and carrot juice in a ratio of 2:3 to make one-half liter of juice. Drink it daily.

Alternatively, combine one part beet juice, one part cucumber juice and three parts carrot juice. Drink it daily.

You can also drink 250 ml or one cup of parsnip juice daily. Use the juice of cultivated rather than wild parsnips for this purpose.

Steam Inhalation

Steam helps fight infection and improves breathing by relieving coughing and congestion. Boil water in a pot and add a few drops of essential oils such as eucalyptus, lavender, tea tree, lemon,. Inhale the steam from this solution. While inhaling, cover your head with a towel so that the steam does not escape. Taking a hot shower is also beneficial.


Like fenugreek, this medicinal herb also works as a mucolytic to expel mucus from the body, particularly from the respiratory tract. Plus, it has antiviral and antibacterial properties that assist in fighting infection.

Mix turmeric powder in warm mustard oil to make a paste. Rub it on your chest.

Drink a glass of warm milk mixed with one teaspoon of turmeric powder, two or three times a day.

Mix one-half teaspoon of turmeric and one-quarter teaspoon of black pepper powder in a glass of warm water. Drink it once a day.

Drink Water

Drink ample water. It’s normally advised to drink eight 8-oz. glasses daily to support a wholesome hydration level. When dealing with pneumonia, patients should attempt to drink between 8 to 1ten eight ounce glasses at minimum.





Other links:

Swin Flu: What you Need to Know (part 2)

How to Soothe an Itchy Throat?

What Is Asthma? (Part 2)

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