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  • 7/30/2012

A Shiite Anthology

 Oneness and Discrenment


It has been related that on the day of the Battle of the Camel a bedouin came before the Commander of the Faithful (A.S) and said, "O Commander of the Faithful! Sayest thou that God is one ?" The people attacked him and said, "O bedouin! Doest thou not see how the Commander of the Faithful's heart is divided (with cares) ?"

The Commander of the Faithful (A.S) said, "Leave him, for surely what the bedouin wishes (i.e., knowledge of God) is what we wish for the people." Then he said, "O bedouin! To say that God is one (wahid) has four (possible) meanings, two of which are not permissible concerning God, the Mighty and Majestic, and two of which are established concerning Him." 

"As for the two which are not permissible concerning Him, (the first is) the saying of him who says 'one' and has in mind the category of numbers. Now this is not permissible, for that which has no second does not enter into the category of numbers. Hast thou not seen that he who says that He is 'the third of three' is of the unbelievers ? And (the second is like) the saying of him who says (concerning a man), 'He is one of mankind', meaning that he is one kind within the species. This is not permissible because it is a comparison, and our Lord is greater than that and high above it. " 

"As for the two meanings which are established concerning Him, (the first is) the saying of him who says, 'He is one, there is no likeness (shabah) unto Him among things.' Such is our Lord. And (the second is) the saying of him who says, 'Surely He, the Mighty and Majestic, is single in meaning (ahadi al - mana), intending by that that He is not divided by existence, the power of reason, or imagination.  Such is our Lord, the Mighty and Majestic." 



In another sermon Ali'-upon whom be peace-said, "What points to Him (daliluh) is His signs (ayat); to perceive Him (wujuduh) is to affirm Him (ithbatuh); to know Him is to profess His unity; and professing His Unity is to distinguish Him (tamyiz) from His creation. The standard (hukm) for distinguishing is separation (baynunah) in attribute, not separation in terms of distance (uzlah). Surely He is a creating Lord (rabb khaliq), neither possessing a Lord nor created. Whatever can be conceived of is different from Him." 

"Then after that he said, "Whoso is known in himself (bi-nafsihi) is not a god: this is the guide to that which points to Him (al-dalil alayh) and this it is which leads to knowledge of Him." 



Other Links:

A Shiite Anthology: Oneness & Discrenment

A Shiite Anthology: The Vision of the Heart

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