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  • 5/21/2012

Useful & Simple Tips to Stop Snoring


Snoring is not exactly what we can call a disease. It’s more likely to be a health trouble that affects some people among others. Even if it tends to be more common among fat males, it can affect women as well.

Many people tend to associate snoring with advanced age. This is not entirely true. Sure, as the years get along, any human being's chances of snoring will be greater than those in the earlier years, but that's not a rule etched stone. Even little babies snore, if you observe closely (and silently).

The reason behind snoring is that while we sleep, our breathing becomes slower, but we still breathe. If for any reason our windpipe, which carries air to the lungs gets blocked, or obstructed, our lungs make an extra effort to ‘pull in' air. This is what causes the snoring. Anything from your sleeping posture, to what you eat to your age can have an effect on the windpipe.

How to Stop Snoring

1. If you want to stop snoring or get rid of a loud snore, your doctor is going to tell you to lose weight. But only if you're overweight in the first place. Studies done on obese sleepers have concluded that the results of losing weight have unpredictable effects on whether a person snores more or less; some people actually snored more after losing weight .The thing is, your doctor is going to tell you to lose some weight regardless of whether you're snoring or not because of the obvious health benefits of being less fat.

2. In the fight against snoring, drinking and smoking are your enemies. Smoking tobacco tends not only to make it harder for you to breathe and get oxygen into your system, but it inflames your sinuses, increasing the chances that you will snore during the night. Alcohol, on the other hand, tends to relax your muscles and those tissues found in the back of your throat, increasing the chances that you will snore--and snore loudly.

Stay away from cigarettes and beer if you want to stop snoring.

3. A very common and effective snoring remedy is called positional therapy. Generally speaking, people snore less when they are not sleep in the supine position (illustrated to your right). Sleeping on your back allows your soft palate and uvula to relax into the back of your throat, obstructing your breathing pathways. By sleeping on your side, or in a prone position, you relieve some of the pressure put on your airways, allowing air to flow more freely, simultaneously reducing the volume of your snoring.

4. Try to relieve stress without using medication. If you're stressed out, it may seem like a quick and easy solution to take some anti-depressants but you're actually better off turning to meditation, aroma therapy or yoga.

5. One of the simplest ways to reduce snoring is to use a specially fitting mouthpiece that slightly adjusts the jaw. This helps keep the airway open and stops the sound of snoring. Snoring can stop when air moves smoothly past the soft palate and tissue at the base of the tongue. Why? Because heavy breathing through the mouth and the presence of this loose, soft tissue back in the throat are the two parts of snoring. Some people have even found relief from using a piece that slips over the head and fits under the chin. This holds the mouth closed so that the person has to breathe through their nose.

Machinery to the Rescue

Some people who can’t get results with a mouthpiece or chin support have to use an electric breathing apparatus. This may be a bit expensive and might be uncomfortable until the person gets used to wearing it. Basically, these breathing “machines”‌ use a hose connected to an oxygen supply and a mask that fits over the face. Again, this promotes proper breathing and puts enough oxygen into the system to keep the person from struggling to breathe at when they lay down.

Some people have chosen surgery that involves small strips inserted in the back of the throat to keep the airway open. This is commonly known as a “pillar”‌ procedure. Consult with your doctor to see if this can work for you. But keep in mind that surgery can be a last resort. There are other, less invasive ways to get rid of snoring.

Here are a few other ideas that might help: breathing exercises during waking hours; exercises that strengthen the neck and shoulder area; exercises that improve overall conditioning and blood-oxygen levels; diet changes, including more vegetables, fruits and beans.





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