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  • 2/26/2012

How Long Will the Hidden Imam Live?

part 3


(a) In the world of vegetation, there are species that are known to have long life and are known to be the oldest surviving existents on earth. Among these are the Californian sequoia. These trees are three hundred feet tall and cover one hundred ten feet around the trunk. The life span of some of these trees exceeds five thousand years. It is possible to conjecture that when the Pharaoh began construction of the largest pyramid in Egypt these trees must have been in the early youth of their existence. And at the time of the birth of Jesus (peace be upon him), the skin of the trunk must have been one foot thick. For example, the cross section of one of the trunks of this species which is preserved in the museum of natural history in South Kensington has 1,335 rings, each ring representing one year.

The oldest surviving species, which is some 4,600 years old today, is a kind of pine tree known as pinus anstata that grows in central and eastern California. The oldest surviving animal is a turtle on the island of Galapagos that is 177 years old, weighs 450 Ibs and measures four feet long.

(b) The archeological diggings that were undertaken in Egypt discovered wheat in the pyramid of Tutan Khamen, which I personally saw and read about in the journals, that was sown in some parts and germinated. Wheat grew in these fields, demonstrating the fact that the germ continued to live for some three to four thousand years.


(c) Viruses can be regarded as the longest living creatures. The virus is a living being that can be studied to reveal the secret of life. These are the creatures responsible for the development of certain diseases in plants, animals, and humans. The common cold, chicken pox, small pox, German measles, are some of these virus- related diseases. In the excavations that were carried out in ancient sites, it has been possible to discover prehistoric viruses and cultivate them in specific areas. In other words, although for all these years these creatures were living a concealed existence and practically were not different from a dead thing, they actually continue to live even after thousands of years.


(d) Recently I read in the newspapers that huge frozen animals were found during excavations in Siberia. After they had been placed in warmer conditions vital signs of life returned.


(e) One of the ways of prolonging the life of a living being and keeping it half alive in order to observe its life is hibernation. This is also known as a state of "winter sleeping." In some animals hibernation continues throughout winter, whereas in others it continues during the summer. When an animal hibernates, its need for food disappears and the wear and tear on the body decreases between 30-100 to. The thermal function of the body comes to a temporary halt. Since the environment is also cold the hair and skin of the animal does not become stiff and hence it does not shiver.

The temperature of the body becomes like the temperature of the environment, reaching somewhere around 39-41 degrees fahrenheit, some degrees above the freezing point. Breathing becomes slow and irregular; heart beat becomes random and slow. Different reflexes stop and nerve impulses in the brain cannot be observed under 52-66 degrees F. Some sea animals, including fish, are capable of living under the extremely cold waters for a long time. Various living cells like human and animal sperm cells can be conserved in cold temperatures for artificial insemination, and red bloods cells for transfusion.

Moreover, several species of small animals can be frozen and brought back to a living condition with a change in temperature, without causing any harm to them. The study of hibernation could lead to a breakthrough in understanding the secret of longevity and humankind can reach its dream of long life.

All the above observations in the medical and biological sciences make it possible for human beings to expect to discover the secret of longevity and overcome old age one day. Moreover, it has prompted them to continue their research until the goal is reached. There is hope that scientific research into understanding the mystery of longevity will also lead to uncovering the secret of the long life of the Qa'im from the Family of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny).

Let us hope that day will come soon.

Dr. Abu Turab Nafisi Professor and Chair School of Medicine University of Isfahan


Mr. Hoshyar: During this time when we were waiting to hear from Dr. Abu Turab Nafisi I came across an interesting article, translated from French, on the subject under discussion. I thought I would read it to you so that we can all benefit from this research.


The Article by Justin Glace


Biologist have been able to determine the life span of living creatures from a range of a few hours to hundreds of years. Some insects live only for a day, some others for a year. In each species, however, there are some who have transgressed the limits of an ordinary life span and have lived twice or thrice the normal age of their kind. In Germany, there is a rose tree that, compared to its own kind, has survived for hundreds of years. Similarly in Mexico there is a pine tree that is two thousand years old. Some alligators have been found to have lived for one thousand and seven hundred years.

In 17th century London, there was a man by the name of Thomas Parr whose age had reached one hundred and fifty two years. In contemporary Iran there is a man by the name of Sayyid 'Ali whose age is one hundred and ninety five years, and his son has lived one hundred and twenty years. In Russia, a man called Louis Poof Pujak is one hundred and twenty years old. A Caucasian by the name of Mikokho Polov is one hundred and forty one years old.

Biologists think that some internal factors are the cause of the unusually long life spans. These factors have resulted in the prolongation of the life span. Century old individuals are the favorite offspring of nature. The chemical composition of their bodies is perfectly in agreement and in accordance with the desirable perfection.

According to the biological theory, the natural life span of each species should be seven to fourteen times their growth period. Hence, for instance, since the growth period of a human being is twenty five years, his natural age should be in the vicinity of two hundred and eighty years.

By adopting a balanced diet also, one can disturb the order of nature. The proof for this assertion is provided by a honey bee whose life span is only four to five months. On the other hand, the queen bee, who is born from an egg and a larva like others, because of her special kind of diet, lives for some eight years.

Ostensibly, the matter is not that simple when it comes to human beings. We cannot live in a special place like the queen bee, with the temperature of our dwelling under constant watch to maintain a uniform environment. We are faced by a host of hazards, some of them, according to the biologists, include self poisoning, a lack of vitamins, and arteriosclerosis. According to one of the experts in London, the disturbance of the equilibrium and the increase in the supply of one of the following in the body may hasten death: iron, aluminum, magnesium, and potassium. What is amazing is the fact that among all these hazards there is no specific mention of senility, because death is not regarded as having been caused precisely by senility.

A Swedish physician, who is life-long chair of the American Scientific Association of Human Aging, believes that old age is caused because of the entanglement of protein molecules with bodily cells. This condition causes the cells to gradually stop functioning, which in turn causes death. This physician is in search of a matter that can disentangle this condition in order to revive the bodily cells to undertake new tasks and thereby defeat senility. In laboratory experiments, the life of some animals, like an Indian pig, has been prolonged by 46.4 by increasing the dosage of vitamin B6, nucleic, and pantonxic acids in their food.

Russian biologist Philatoff is hopeful that he should be able to eliminate old age altogether by utilizing stagnant tissues. These stagnant tissues can be made to function like agricultural fertilizer to revive the human body. Besides, there are certain rules whose observance may lead to the prolongation of life. These rules include dietary and biochemical regulations, relaxation, breathing and other instructions for a healthy life. Some nutritionists are of the opinion that by merely following proper dietary rules, one can extend the life span to more than a century. We are what we eat.

Source: imamalmahdi.com

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