• Counter :
  • 194
  • Date :
  • 9/17/2011

Regional Islamic awakening has led to ouster of regional dictators

ayatollah seyed ahmad khatami

Tehran’s interim Friday Prayers Leader, Ayatollah Seyed Ahmad Khatami, has termed as sacred the Islamic awakening that has swept the region, while adding that the Islamic awakening wave has led to ouster of regional dictators and promotion of the anti-arrogance spirit within the region.

Ayatollah Khatami named the collapse of regional dictators as one of the blessings of the Islamic awakening wave, while underscoring that the Islamic awakening has promoted the anti-US spirit in the region.

According to IRIB World Service, he further noted that the actions of Egypt’s Muslim nation in seizure of the Israeli regime’s embassy and the flee of the Israeli regime’s ambassadors in Egypt and Jordan mark the disgrace and humiliation of the Zionist regime of Israel.

Tehran’s interim Friday Prayers Leader also emphasized that the practical measures of the Egyptian and Jordanian Muslim people conveys a message to the world’s freedom-seeking people to stage an uprising against the US global arrogance, and the Zionist regime of Israel.

Ayatollah Khatami further pointed out that the revolutionaries have announced that their movement is Islamic in nature and they are after the establishment of Islamic democracy, which has shaken the US.

Ayatollah Khatami further expressed hope that the Islamic awakening movement will advance in the region until the complete annihilation of dictators, especially in the region.

Sourcer: irib.ir

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