• Counter :
  • 1196
  • Date :
  • 1/26/2011

Alphabet pikelets

alphabet pikelets


• 200g (1 1/3 cups) self-raising flour

• 1 tsp baking powder

• 1 tbs caster sugar

• 310ml (1 1/4 cups) milk

• 1 egg, lightly whisked

• Olive oil spray, to grease

• Strawberry jam, to serve


1. Sift the flour, baking powder and sugar into a large bowl and make a well in the centre.

2. Whisk together the milk and egg in a jug. Pour into the flour mixture and whisk until a smooth batter forms. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside for 30 minutes to rest.

3. Heat a large non-stick frying pan over low heat. Lightly spray with olive oil spray to grease. Spoon half the batter into a small plastic bag. Cut 1 corner off bag and pipe four 8cm letters into pan. Cook for 2 minutes or until bubbles appear on the surface. Turn and cook for a further 1 minute or until golden. Transfer to a wire rack. Repeat, in 8 more batches, with remaining batter, reheating pan between batches. Serve with jam.


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