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  • 896
  • Date :
  • 4/5/2010

Duchenne smile linked to longevity

laughing baby

A new study suggests that the type of smile may influence the association between laughter and longevity.

According to the study published in Psychological Science, individuals with the most intense smiles, also known as Duchenne smile, live longer.

“Individuals whose underlying emotional disposition is reflected in voluntary or involuntary Duchenne smiles may be basically happier than those with less intense smiles and hence maybe more predisposed to benefit from the effects of positive emotionality,” said lead researcher Ernest L. Abel.

Broad smilers, however, do not differ significantly from partial smilers in terms of longevity.

Scientists concluded that individuals who smile a lot are usually happier, have more stable personalities, more stable marriages, better cognitive skills and better interpersonal skills.

Source: presstv.ir

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