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Dua Joshan Kabeer: Written (Verses 31-40)

laylatul qadr

 يا عَزيزاً لا يُضامٌ يا لَطيفاً لا يُرامُ يا قَيُّوماً لا يَنامُ يا دائِماً لا يَفُوتُ يا حَيّاً لا يَمُوتُ يا مَلِكاً لا يَزُولُ يا باقِياً لا يَفْنى يا عالِماً لا يَجْهَلُ

يا صَمَداً لا يُطْعَمُ يا قَوِيّاً لا يَضْعُفُ (31)


O Powerful Who is never overpowered, O Benign Who is invisible, O Self-Subsistent Who never sleeps, O Eternal Who never perishes, O Everliving Who never dies, O Monarch Whose rule is endless, O Eternal Who is imperishable, O Omniscient Who never forgets, O Independent Who needs no sustenance, O Mighty Who never weakens. 

سُبْحانَكَ يا لا اِلـهَ إلاّ اَنْتَ الْغَوْثَ الْغَوْثَ خَلِّصْنا مِنَ النّارِ يا رَبِّ

Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee, The Granter of all Succour, Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.


اَللّـهُمَّ اِنّى اَسْأَلُكَ بِاسْمِكَ يا اَحَدُ يا واحِدُ يا شاهِدُ يا ماجِدُ يا حامِدُ يا راشِدُ يا باعِثُ يا وارِثُ يا ضارُّ يا نافِعُ (32)


O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy name:  O Unique, O One, O Present, O Praiser, O Exalted, O Guide, O Resurrector, O Heir, O Harmful to the unjust, 

O Benificial to the just. 

سُبْحانَكَ يا لا اِلـهَ إلاّ اَنْتَ الْغَوْثَ الْغَوْثَ خَلِّصْنا مِنَ النّارِ يا رَبِّ

Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee, The Granter of all Succour, Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.


يا اَعْظَمَ مِنْ كُلِّ عَظيم يا اَكْرَمَ مِنْ كُلِّ كَريم يا اَرْحَمَ مِنْ كُلِّ رَحيم يا اَعْلَمَ مِنْ كُلِّ عَليم يا اَحْكَمَ مِنْ كُلِّ حَكيم يا اَقْدَمَ مِنْ كُلِّ

قَديم يا اَكْبَرَ مِنْ كُلِّ كَبير يا اَلْطَفَ مِنْ كُلِّ لَطيف يا اَجَلَّ مِن كُلِّ جَليل يا اَعَزَّ مِنْ كُلِّ عَزيز (33)


O Grandest of all the grand, O Most magnanimous of all the magnanimous, O Most merciful of all the merciful, O Most knowledgeable of all knowers, O Most Wise of all the wise, O Most ancient of all the ancient, O Most great of all the great, O Most benign of all the benign, O Most magnificent of all the magnificent, O Most mighty of all the mighty. 

سُبْحانَكَ يا لا اِلـهَ إلاّ اَنْتَ الْغَوْثَ الْغَوْثَ خَلِّصْنا مِنَ النّارِ يا رَبِّ

Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee, The Granter of all Succour, Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.


يا كَريمَ الصَّفْحِ يا عَظيمَ الْمَنِّ يا كَثيرَ الْخَيْرِ يا قَديمَ الْفَضْلِ يا دائِمَ اللُّطْفِ يا لَطيفَ الصُّنْعِ يا مُنَفِّسَ الْكَرْبِ يا كاشِفَ الضُّرِّ يا مالِكَ الْمُلْكِ يا قاضِيَ الْحَقِّ


O Most magnanimous in overlooking sins, O Greatest benefactor, O Most bounteous in goodness, O Eternal in grace, O Creator of subtlety, O Remover of pain, O Healer of injury, O Master of dominion, O True Judge.  

سُبْحانَكَ يا لا اِلـهَ إلاّ اَنْتَ الْغَوْثَ الْغَوْثَ خَلِّصْنا مِنَ النّارِ يا رَبِّ

Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee, The Granter of all Succour, Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.


يا مَنْ هُوَ فى عَهْدِهِ وَفِيٌّ يا مَنْ هُوَ في وَفائِهِ قَوِيٌّ يا مَنْ هُوَ في قُوَّتِهِ عَلِيٌّ يا مَنْ هُوَ في عُلُوِّهِ قَريبٌ يا مَنْ هُوَ فى قُرْبِهِ لَطيفٌ يا مَنْ هُوَ فى لُطْفِهِ شَريفٌ يا مَنْ هُوَ فى شَرَفِهِ عَزيزٌ يا مَنْ هُوَ فى عِزِّهِ عَظيمٌ يا مَنْ هُوَ فى عَظَمَتِهِ مَجيدٌ يا مَنْ هُوَ فى مَجْدِهِ حَميدٌ (35) 


 O He Who fulfils His promise, O He Who is great in His might, O He Who is near everyone in spite of His greatness, O He Who is benign in His weariness, O He Who is noble in His benignity, O He Who is powerful in His nobility, O He Who is great in His power, O He Who is exalted in His greatness, O He Who is praiseworthy in his exaltation. 

سُبْحانَكَ يا لا اِلـهَ إلاّ اَنْتَ الْغَوْثَ الْغَوْثَ خَلِّصْنا مِنَ النّارِ يا رَبِّ

Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee, The Granter of all Succour, Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.


اَللّـهُمَّ اِنّي اَسْأَلُكَ بِاسْمِكَ يا كافى يا شافى يا وافى يا مُعافى يا هادى يا داعى يا قاضى يا راضى يا عالي يا باقي (36)


O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy name: O Sufficient, O Restorer of health,  O Faithful, O Forgiver, O Guide, O Summoner, O Judge, O Agreeable, O High, O Eternal. 

سُبْحانَكَ يا لا اِلـهَ إلاّ اَنْتَ الْغَوْثَ الْغَوْثَ خَلِّصْنا مِنَ النّارِ يا رَبِّ

Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee, The Granter of all Succour, Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.


يا مَنْ كُلُّ شَيْء خاضِعٌ لَهُ يا مَنْ كُلُّ شَيْء خاشِعٌ لَهُ يا مَنْ كُلُّ شَيْء كائِنٌ لَهُ يا مَنْ كُلُّ شَيْء مَوْجُودٌ بِهِ يا مَنْ كُلُّ شَيْء مُنيبٌ اِلَيْهِ يا مَنْ كُلُّ شَيْء خائِفٌ مِنْهُ يا مَنْ كُلُّ شَيْء قائِمٌ بِهِ يا مَنْ كُلُّ شَيْء صائِرٌ اِلَيْهِ يا مَنْ كُلُّ شَيْء يُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِهِ يا مَنْ كُلُّ شَيْء هالِكٌ إلاّ وَجْهَهُ (37)


O He before Whom everything bows, O He before Whom everything is humbled, O He for Whom everything exists, O He to Whom everything owes its existence, O He to Whom everything returns, O He of Whom everything is afraid, O one to Whom everything owes its stability, O He towards Whom everything retreats, O He Whom everything glorifies with praise, O He besides Whom everything is perishable. 

سُبْحانَكَ يا لا اِلـهَ إلاّ اَنْتَ الْغَوْثَ الْغَوْثَ خَلِّصْنا مِنَ النّارِ يا رَبِّ

Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee, The Granter of all Succour, Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.


يا مَنْ لا مَفَرَّ إلاّ اِلَيْهِ يا مَنْ لا مَفْزَعَ إلاّ اِلَيْهِ يا مَنْ لا مَقْصَدَ إلاّ اِلَيْهِ يا مَنْ لا مَنْجا مِنْهُ إلاّ اِلَيْهِ يا مَنْ لا يُرْغَبُ إلاّ اِلَيْهِ يا مَنْ لا  حَوْلَ وَلا قُوَّةَ إلاّ بِهِ يا مَنْ لا يُسْتَعانُ إلاّ بِهِ يا مَنْ لا يُتَوَكَّلُ إلاّ عَلَيْهِ يا مَنْ لا يُرْجى إلاّ هُوَ يا مَنْ لا يُعْبَدُ إلاّ هو (38)


 O He-there is no retreat but towards Him, O He-there is no place of protection except with Him, O He-there is no right path except that which leads to Him, O He-there is no shelter against Him but with Him, O He-there is no inclination towards anyone except Him, O He-there is no strength and vigour but from Him, O He-none is invoked for help but He.  O He-trust is not reposed in anyone but He, O He-hope is not entertained from anyone except from He, O He-none is worshipped except He. 

سُبْحانَكَ يا لا اِلـهَ إلاّ اَنْتَ الْغَوْثَ الْغَوْثَ خَلِّصْنا مِنَ النّارِ يا رَبِّ

Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee, The Granter of all Succour, Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

يا خَيْرَ الْمَرْهُوبينَ يا خَيْرَ الْمَرْغُوبينَ يا خَيْرَ الْمَطْلُوبينَ يا خَيْرَ الْمَسْؤولينَ يا خَيْرَ الْمَقْصُودينَ يا خَيْرَ الْمَذْكُورينَ يا خَيْرَ الْمَشْكُورينَ يا خَيْرَ الَْمحْبُوبينَ يا خَيْرَ الْمَدْعُوّينَ يا خَيْرَ الْمُسْتَأْنِسينَ  (39)


O Best of those who are feared, O Best of those who are liked, O Best of those who are sought, O Best of those who are entreated, O Best of those who are longed for,  O Best of those who are remembered, O Best of those to whom thanks are offered,  O Best of those who are loved, O Best of those who are called on, O Best of those who are held in affection. 

سُبْحانَكَ يا لا اِلـهَ إلاّ اَنْتَ الْغَوْثَ الْغَوْثَ خَلِّصْنا مِنَ النّارِ يا رَبِّ

Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee, The Granter of all Succour, Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.


اَللّـهُمَّ اِنّي اَسْأَلُكَ بِاسْمِكَ يا غافِرُ يا ساتِرُ يا قادِرُ يا قاهِرُ يا فاطِرُ يا كاسِرُ يا جابِرُ يا ذاكِرُ يا ناظِرُ يا ناصِرُ (40)


O Allah, verily I entreat Thee in Thy name:  O Forgiver, O Concealer [of defects],  O Mighty, O Supreme,   O Creator, O Shatterer,  O Joiner, O Rememberer,  O Seeing, O Helper. 

سُبْحانَكَ يا لا اِلـهَ إلاّ اَنْتَ الْغَوْثَ الْغَوْثَ خَلِّصْنا مِنَ النّارِ يا رَبِّ

Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee, The Granter of all Succour, Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

praying _the night of power
Source: duas.org

Other links:

Dua Joshan Kabeer: Written ( English & Arabic)

Dua Joshan Kabeer: Written (Verses 11-20)

Dua Joshan Kabeer: Written (Verses 21-30)

Dua Joshan Kabeer, Audio

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