• David Herbert Lawrence
    • ce  (1885-1930) David Herbert Lawrence was born on September 11, 1885, in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, to a coal-mining father he could sometimes despise and a mother whom he revered. Later Lawrence wrote about his ...
    • Arnold Schönberg
    • ml;nberg (13 September 1874-13 July 1951) Austro-Hungarian composer, an American citizen from 1941.He began violin lessons when he was eight and almost immediately started composing, though he had no formal trainin...
    • François
    • is-René de Chateaubriand (4 September, 1768-4 July, 1848) French writer, Chateaubriand was a founder of romanticism in French literature. Of noble birth, he grew up in his family’s isolated castle of Combourg. In 1791...
    • Théophile Gautier
    • ier In October 1851, when he had just turned forty, Gautier agreed to a request for biographical information from Armand Baschet, who was planning an article on him.  While he is a bit coy at first, he quickly war...
    • Maurice Maeterlinck
    • nck  Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949), born inGhent, Belgium, came from a well-to-do family. He was educated at a Jesuit college and read law, but a short practice as a lawyer in his home town convinced him that he...
    • Charles Baudelaire
    • ire Charles Baudelaire was a 19th century French poet, translator, and literary and art critic whose reputation rests primarily on Les Fleurs du mal; which was perhaps the most importantand influential poetry collectio...
    • Tolstoy, Leo Nikolayevich
    • ich (1828-1910) Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born August 28,1828 (old style) at his family's estate at Yasnaya Polyana. His parents died when he was a child, and he was brought up by relatives. In 1844 Tolstoy started h...
    • Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
    • gel ( 1770-1831 ) Born in Stuttgart and educated in Tübingen, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel devoted his life wholly to academic pursuits, teaching at Jena, Nuremberg, Heidelberg, and Berlin. HisWissenschaft der ...
    • Friedrich Nietzsche
    • che (1844-1900) Born the son of a Lutheran pastor in Röcken, Saxony, Friedrich Nietzsche was raised by female relatives after his father's death in 1849. He quickly abandoned his initial pursuit of theology in or...
    • Achille-Claude Debussy
    • ussy  (1862-1918) Debussy is one of the most influential composers who creates a unique and forward-looking style of innovative technical finish and poetic appeal. His works significantly break away from the...
    • Third International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS)
    • AS) 19-22 AUGUST 2003 The International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) is one of the largest regular gatherings of scholars whose research centres onAsia and/or Asians, especially in the humanities and social sciences....
    • The International Youth Day
    • Day  (12 August) Finding decent and productive work for young people everywhere International Youth Day aims to promote awareness, especially among youth, of the World Programme of Action for Youth to the Year 200...
    • The International Day
    • Day of the World's Indigenous People August 9 "It is essential to know and understand the deeply spiritual special relationship between indigenous peoples and their land as basic to their existence as such ...
    • WAR Summary Timeline: 1914 June 28: Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austro-Hungarian Empire, in Sarajevo, Bosnia. June 28: Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. July 29 - Dec...
    • World Population Day (UNFPA)
    • FPA) 11 July 2003 Message of the UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan The theme of this year’s World Population Day, “One billion adolescents: the right to health, information and services”, highlights the need to suppo...
    • 31 May 2003 WORLD NO-TOBACCO DAY
    • D NO-TOBACCO DAY The world counts 1.2 billion smokers today and if current predictions come true, we may have an additional 400 million smokers by 2020. [WHO] aims to reverse that trend and prevent future generati...
    • ERS TO BE COMMEMORATED ON 29 MAY NEW YORK, 23 May (Department of Public Information) -- The first International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers will be observed on Thursday, 29 May this year, following its establishmen...
    • Happy Nowrooz
    • ooz Celebration of Life Nowrooz is the Iranian New Year festival. The word itself literally means "new day" in Persian (Farsi) and the festival marks the beginning of the solar year as well as the New ...
    • The History of the Christmas Tree
    • c3e"> Christmas Tree The tradition of having an evergreen tree become a symbol of Christmas goes back past recorded written history. The Druids in ancient England & Gual and the Romans in Europe both used ever...
    • NDHI Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar, India. He became one of the most respected spiritual and political leaders of the 1900's. GandhiJI helped free the Indian people from Brit...
    • World Environment Day 2003
    • 003 World Environment Day, commemorated each year on 5 June, is about you and me. It is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances polit...
    • Leonardo da Vinci
    • inci (1452-1519) "Leonardo da Vinci was like a man who awoke too early in the darkness, while the others were all still asleep" Sigmund Freud THE heavens often rain down the richest gifts on human bei...
    • International Childrens Book Day
    • Day Every year, the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) organises and promotes International Children's Book Day "to inspire a love of reading and to call attention to children's books"...
    • Iran,From 12 Bahman to 20 Bahman 1979
    • Massive disturbances in Tabriz, nation in turmoil, demonstrations spread .governments change, massacres in Tehran and elsewhere, Shah leaves, Ayatollah Khomeini...