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  • 1657
  • Date :
  • 11/20/2007

Imam Reza's Social Behaviour

Imam Reza(AS)

Ibrahim bin Abbas, who was one of the high-ranking officials of the Abbasid caliphate, has left the following eyewitness account of Imam Reza's(A.S.) impeccable character.

- His Holiness never irritated others by verbal or practical teasing.

- His Holiness did not interrupt others' speeches.

- The Holy Imam (A.S.) never refused the demands of others.

- I never witnessed him to have his legs stretched out before the others.

- And I could never find him in a resting position in the presence of other people.

-His Holiness never swore at his servants.

-His Holiness never cachinnated in happy circumstances.

-I never saw him spit his saliva out.

-At dinner all his servants including porters and even the stablemen were served in his attendance.

- His Holiness used to stay up all nights invoking Allah the Almighty. The Holy Imam (A.S.) also observed regularly the religious duty of fasting and always gave alms in secret.


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