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Martyrdom of Abbas Babaei
The Biography of Major General Pilot Abbas Babaei - Part 5


abbas babaei

Since Babaei was very efficient, competent and committed to his responsibilities during his services in Isfahan Air Base, he was given a promotion and was assigned the rank of colonel on November 30, 1983. He became the operation deputy commander of the Air Force and was transferred to Tehran.

Since he was fighting selflessly with lots of sacrifices during the years of the Iran-Iraq war at the fronts of the battlefield, he created many new and golden pages in the history of the Sacred Defense Era and for the Air Force of the Army.

 In addition, by flying for more than 3,000 hours with different aircrafts, he spent most of his time in flying operations or in the air bases and the battlefields of western and southern Iran. That is why he became a familiar face for the Basijis (volunteer forces) and he was a loyal follower of the operation commanders of the headquarters. He successfully launched 60 military operations only from 1985 until the time of his martyrdom.
For the quick advance of the operations and for the accuracy of the works and missions, he would not only rely on supervising, but also he personally would be a pioneer and take part in the military missions and sorties which had been designed against the enemy. Besides, for the purpose of getting information about the risks and probable dangers, he was always the first pilot who would fly to different places. Due to the merit, competency and braveness that he demonstrated in defending the system, and his warding off the violations of the enemy, Major General Babaei was appointed as the brigadier general on April 28, 1987.
While returning back from an overseas mission, General Babaei, the operation deputy commander of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Air Force, was targeted by an anti-aircraft missile and fell martyr.

Translated by: Sadroddin Musawi

Other links:
The Biography of Major General Pilot Abbas Babaei(Martyred in Iran-Iraq war): Part 1

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