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Islamic Theology: Proofs for the Existence of God-Chap 3 Part A



AuthorSheikh Mansour Leghaei


Knowing God or Believing in God

In this lesson the most famous theological proofs for the existence of God will be discussed. However, one must bear in mind that the promised rewards are not for those who merely 'know' God. What Islam requires is 'belief in God'. Thus, the Quran is promising Paradise for 'those who believe in God –not those who know God- and do righteous good deeds'. Nonetheless, knowing God is the essential prerequisite for believing in God.


Possibility of Knowing God

If man is absolutely ignorant about something, he cannot acquire any knowledge about it. Hence, man cannot perceive the existence of angels, save through the teachings of religion.
The fact that there are debates about the existence of God proves that it is possible for man to understand His existence. This is because although God is not physical, He has showed Himself to us through numerous physical and intellectual signs.


Seeking God (the principle motivations for seeking God)

Why has man been searching for God? Why do we need to know God? What are the motivations for making inquiries about God? In general, there are three motivations for seeking God:

1. Rational Motive: From primitive man to the man of our age, man has always wondered about the magnificence of the world around him. Intrinsically (essentially) he has been interested to find out about the creator of this artistry.

2. Emotional Motive: As a human, I observe the fascinating life and environment around me. I know I haven't made them myself. A power, instinctually, inside me is telling me to be grateful to the One who has created this fantastic life for me. In order for me to thank Him I ought to know Him first, and hence, I search for Him.

3. Instinctual Motive: Instinctual feelings are those feelings that require no reason. A beautiful landscape, a beautiful and fragrant flower is intrinsically admirable and lovely by all human beings. This is called the sense of beauty which is one of the instinctual transcendental human drives. Tendency towards religion is one of the most powerful human drives.

From the Islamic point of view, the mission of the prophets was solely to rub off the dirt of polytheism and infidelity. Their mission was not to prove God, for once the dirt is cleansed the existence of God will be apparent.

Other Links:

Islamic Theology: Definition and History Chap1

Islamic Theology:  Towards a meaningful life Chap 2



Author: Sheikh Mansour Leghaei


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