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  • Date :
  • 12/23/2008

Fathers determine baby’s gender

British researchers have recently claimed that the male genetic make-up delineates the number of sons or daughters a couple will have.

According to a study published in the Evolutionary Biology, a man’s sperm determines the gender of the unborn baby.

Considering the fact that a woman always passes an X chromosome to the baby, the X or a Y chromosome found in the father’s sperm decides the gender of the unborn.

The study showed that the gender of a man’s siblings predict the gender of his offspring, indicating that men with many brothers are more likely to have more sons, and vice versa.

The same link, however, was not found in women.

The chances of giving birth to a boy or a girl is almost 50/50, suggesting that overall equal amounts of X and Y sperms are delivered to the child; in some couples, however, the balance is shifted in favor of either boys or girls.

Scientists claim that undiscovered genes are responsible for controlling the content of the X or Y chromosomes of the sperm.

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