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  • Date :
  • 4/22/2008

Study shows memory loss reversible

brain diseases
Brain diseases like Alzheimer can be cured with drugs which can reverse distressing loss of memory, according to a study.


Some mice which suffered a special type of brain damage were able to recover their memories in laboratory experiments in accordance with the study carried out by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


The mentioned diseases commonly leads humans to dementia, a brain disease that robs victims" capability of remembering past events or even recognizing their loved ones.

Tracking a period of rehabilitation through mental stimulation, the mice successfully performed tasks they had forgotten after damage caused on the specific neural networks in their brain.


Li-Huei Tsai who conducted the study says that this study raises the possibility of recovering long-term memories in patients ravaged by certain neurological disorders however, there is no guarantee that the same techniques will work in humans.


Neurodegenerative diseases attack those parts of the brain and spinal cords that control movements of our body and process information that is stored in the form of memories.


If brain cells are destroyed, they are not replaced. However previous studies have shown that healthy neurons stimulated through mental activities or directly by chemicals can grow stronger and reconfigure themselves.


This phenomenon can be a breakthrough in a series of genius experiments to show that this same process of remodeling can unlock memories rendered inaccessible by diseases, causing significant brain atrophy and neuronal loss.

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Source: www.presstv.ir

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