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  • Date :
  • 12/27/2003

The National Board for Scientific Research of Libya

The National Board for Scientific Research (NBSR)

with its affiliatedResearch Centers is responsible for recruiting scientific and research expertise and coordinating between various research institutes in Great Jamihiriya. The main objective behind this is to maintain a reasonable level of scientific progress in accordance with a national scientific research policy which enables the carrying out of strategic studies as well as participation in building the infrastructure and upgrading production levels.NBSR has been legally authorized to issue a principle document for scientific and technical policies for Great Jamihiriya and in doing so NBSR has been able to work on new plans and directions that keep it in pace with current technological and technical developments in addition to this NBSR has determined a number of scientific and technical indicators which should be taken into consideration in order to promote scientific research programmes.

This has enabled NBSR to propose numerous mechanisms and means by which to fulfill its objectives such as alternative ways for financing scientific research. Moreover, NBSR has determined a number of priorities which reflect the strategies adopted at the national level in the field of scientific research and technical development.

Such priorities include the following areas:

.  Water Research

.  Medical Research

.  Nutrition

.  Environmental Research

.  Energy Studies

.  Industrial Research

.  Natural Resources

.  Astronautics

.  Basic, Applied, Social and Humanic Sciences

.  Information Technology

Organizational structure comprises:

.  The secretariat Council for the National Academy of Science

.  Administratively and technically affiliated

.  Technically affiliated research centers

The Secretarial Council for NBSR comprises a number of departments which are as follows:

1. The Department for Planning and Research Affairs:
This department specializes in planning research projects and drawing their budgets as well as following up on their progress in accordance with national scientific and development plans. The following units make up this department:

 1.1.The Planning and Budget Unit.

 1.2.The Training Unit.

 1.3.The Patent and Inventions Unit: which issues patents protects copyrights, encourages inventions and provides related information.

2-The Bureau for Scientific Services
this bureau provides the necessary scientific and technical assistance which facilitates the implementation of various research programmes carried out in the many research centers.

3-The Bureau for Scientific Cooperation and Associations
this bureau consists of two units:

 3.1.The Scientific Cooperation Unit: responsible for organizing joint programmes with uarious Arab and international bodies and organizations, as well as acquainting other such organizations with the interests and activities of scientific research in Jamihiriya.

 3.2.The Associations Unit: provides publicity for the specialized associations determines their work as well as proposing necessary plans for supporting their activities. This unit's work includes preparing for the yearly assemble of scientific associations.

4-Bureau for Scientific Information:
This bureau is in charge of issuing NBSR's scientific journal as well as: the magazine for basic and applied sciences and the magazine for humanic and social sciences. It also plans and implements information programmes for NBSR and its affiliates and covers all the scientific activities carried out within NBSR and its affiliates.

 5-The National Science & Technology Library

 5.1The Electronic Library Department
Because of the importance of providing and securing scientific and technical information which in turn warrants the success of educational activities and scientific research NBSR has sought the most advanced information technology available. In doing so, the national library for science and technology in NBSR has set up an electronic library which holds a large and up-to-date CD-ROM scientific databases which offer various scientific data in scientific fields such as medicine, agriculture, ecology, dietetics, biosciences, pharmacology and so forth.
The library uses on line database systems which enable research centers and universities in Great Jamihiriya to access the electronic library PC to PC via phone lines which facilitates search into the database system.
In addition, NBSR has in cooperation with the British library maintained an agreement by which to copy full texts of scientific research papers and reports on demand. The British library is considered among the largest international libraries as it holds up to 25,000 titles of scientific journals and 400,000 scientific papers which have been published in conferences and symposiums, as well as 500,000 scientific papers presented for masters or doctorate degrees and over 4 million scientific books. Such information is made available by NBSR to all researchers and postgraduate students.

 5.2.The Department for Editing, Translation and Publishing.

 5.3.The Public Library.

 6.Consultancy Bureau.

 7.Bureau for Administrative and Financial Affairs.

 8.Auditing Bureau.

 9.Bureau for Legal Affairs and Accounting.


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