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Natural Ways to Relieve Constipation



Are you looking for ways to get rid of it and fast? You’re not alone as constipation is one of the most common medical conditions in the world.

If you’re reading this now, then I’m guessing you have constipation and are feeling very uncomfortable right now.

Hopefully, I can help you feel better by giving you a list of natural remedies you can use to cure your constipation and fast.

Constipation is mostly common in women however men do also suffer from constipation too.

What Is Constipation

As we eat food, our digestive system will break it down so that the body can absorb all the nutrients and water.

However the digestive system cannot break all food down and so this then becomes a stool.

Once stool has been formed, the intestine muscles will work to push the stool through the colon and out through the rectum.

This entire process should be easy and natural.

When you have constipation, it means that the muscles that work to push the stool through colon are not performing.

This lack of performance will result in irregular bowel movements which will cause your stool to be hard and dry.

Stools that are hard and dry will be able very hard to pass.

The term “constipation” is an umbrella term that covers two different types of constipation.

Many people don’t know that there is more than one type of constipation, so it is a good idea to be familiar with them.

The different types of constipation are organic constipation and functional constipation.

Organic constipation happens when there has been a change in your body. This type of constipation should be seen by a doctor and isn’t as common which is why I won’t go into it.

It is best to seek advice from your doctor in this instance.

Functional constipation happens by not eating well, not drinking enough water, having high-stress levels and leading an improper lifestyle.

All of these things can lead to you having constipation. I will be talking just about functional constipation in this guide.

What Causes Constipation

Now that you know what constipation is and what the symptoms of constipation are, do you know what causes constipation?

Constipation is most commonly caused by having too much-processed food in your diet and. Therefore, a change of diet is recommended.

Processed foods usually have a lot of calories but the very little nutritional value which is why digestive systems find it hard to break processed foods down.

Eating too much-processed foods can actually cause harm by weakening the wall of your colon.

Weakening the colon wall will make it hard to push stool through the colon.

Because processed food is difficult to push through the colon, your intestine muscles will start to tire and eventually give up altogether.

This will then result in constipation.

Natural Remedies for Constipation


It may seem simple, but keeping hydrated facilitates digestion and supports muscle function. When the body receives enough water, the digestive system can process nutrients and move wastes along smoothly. Bowel muscles are also more efficient and are able to keep things moving. The question is: how much water is enough? If you feel thirsty, that’s one indication that you should probably take a sip. If you’re feeling a little backed-up, try 8 to 16 ounces every two hours. Generally speaking, you should divide your body weight in half, take that number and drink the same amount of water (in ounces). If you weigh 150 pounds, then you should drink 75 ounces per day. You may need to alter this based on your activity level.


Lemons, or more specifically the juice from lemons, can treat constipation as it stimulates the digestive system and gets things moving. This is one of the simplest and most effective treatments that you can try at home.

• Extract the juice of half a lemon and add it to a glass of warm water. You can also add a pinch of rock salt or one-half teaspoon of table salt and a little honey to it.

• Drink the lemon water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. You can also drink a glass of this solution in the evening.

• Follow this remedy daily and expect results within a few days.


These fiber-rich fruits are a go-to home remedy for getting your digestion back on track. Three prunes have 3 grams of fiber, and they also contain a compound that triggers the intestinal contraction that makes you want to go.


Figs are very high in fiber and act as a natural laxative. Those suffering from chronic constipation should include figs in their diet. For the treatment of constipation, both fresh and dried figs can be used. When fresh figs are available, eat them with their skin on. The skin contains most of the fiber and calcium.

1. Take two to three almonds and dried figs.

2. Soak them in water for a few hours.

3. Peel the almonds and grind the ingredients.

4. Take this paste with one tablespoon of honey at night.

Castor Oil

Being a stimulant laxative, castor oil stimulates the small and large intestines and improves the bowel movement. Simply swallow one to two teaspoons of castor oil on an empty stomach. To improve the taste, you can take it with a fruit juice.

Within a few hours, you will notice a huge improvement in your condition. You must not repeat this remedy for a prolonged period as it can cause side effects.


Honey is highly beneficial in relieving constipation as it acts as a mild laxative. You can have it daily to prevent as well as treat constipation.

• Consume two teaspoons of honey three times a day.

• You can also mix one tablespoon each of honey and lemon juice in a glass of warm water. Drink it every morning on an empty stomach.

Flax Seed

Flax seed has many medicinal properties along with tons of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. Also, flaxseed has a laxative property, which can be very useful in curing mild to very serious cases of constipation.

• Mix one tablespoon of flax seed in a glass of water and allow it to rest for two to three hours. Drink the water daily before going to bed. In the morning, your bowel movement will be much better.

• Alternatively, you can simply eat two to three tablespoons of ground flax seed with a glass of water.


Grapes contain insoluble fiber that helps produce regular bowel movements.

• Eat a small bowl of grapes or half a glass of fresh grape juice daily.

• Another option is put 10 to 12 dry seedless grapes in milk, boil it for a few minutes and drink the solution in the evening. This particular remedy works great for young children who have constipation and to prevent future episodes of it.

If fresh grapes are not available, then eat raisins soaked in water for a day or two. You must eat the soaked raisins along with water on an empty stomach in the morning.


Spinach is really good for the digestive tract, especially when you are suffering from constipation. Raw spinach has various components that can cleanse, reconstruct and regenerate the whole intestinal tract.

• To get rid of constipation, you must include spinach in your diet. You can eat it either raw or cooked, depending on how you like it.

• If you have severe constipation, drink a mixture of one-half glass of raw spinach juice and one-half glass of water, twice daily. Within a few days, you will get much relief.

Olive Oil

Take a tablespoon of olive oil before eating breakfast in the morning. As nutrient-dense oil, it stimulates the digestive tract. It also lubricates the bowels and provides antioxidant protection at the same time.

Go natural (fiber, fiber, and more fiber)

You’ll hear people talk a lot about how a natural diet helps relieve and prevent constipation. An overall healthy diet just improves everything, and our bodies know how to process fruits, veggies, grains and roughage more than the refined or artificial foods that don’t pass as easily.. In short, fiber is material that cannot be digested, and it acts like a sponge. It draws water from its surroundings, making it swell, which softens stool and adds bulk to it, which in turn helps it pass. Like coffee, some kinds of fiber (like beans) can contribute to constipation, so always drink plenty of water. Some good fiber-filled foods include-



-Whole grain bread



-Plums, pears, and apples


-Potatoes (skip the fries though)

Magnesium-Rich Foods

Magnesium is essential to muscle health and peristalsis, or the movement of food along the digestive tract. Low magnesium consumption has been associated with increased incidence of constipation. Adequate magnesium intake directs water to the bowels, keeping the stool soft and easier to move. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, nuts, and fish are high in magnesium.


Movement encourages muscle health and stimulates digestion, so going for a walk after eating may help get things moving.

For cases of occasional constipation, pelvic floor exercises have proven more effective than laxatives. Yoga, pilates, and even running may encourage the movement of wastes along the intestinal tract.








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