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  • 4/13/2013

What to do for exam stress

exam stress

Encourage your children to do as well as they can, but try not to pressure them or make them feel that you will be very disappointed if they don't do well.

· Help them to set up a quiet place to study and protect their privacy.

· Take an interest in what they are doing.

· Lessen the chores around exam time, and encourage your young people to get some breaks from study.

· Let them know that you trust them to do as well as they can.

· Encourage your children to talk with teachers or lecturers about a study program that suits them - and to stick to it.

· Encourage them to get ideas about revision techniques from teachers or friends and choose what suits them best.

· Help them to balance their time and to allow time for exercise, going out, staying in touch with friends and having fun and enough rest.

· Encourage them to get plenty of fresh air. Try studying outside for a change.

· When people feel stressed their body needs to do something active - this is the way our ancestors escaped from their enemies. So encourage your teenager to do something active when he or she feels really stressed - go for a run or play an energetic game.

· Make sure there is time for friends. Talking things over with others helps.

· It is important to take breaks, especially when they feel tired or they are not working well. Stretch, go for a walk, or do something different for a few minutes.

· Some foods seem to help more than others - a drink of warm milk can help relax at bedtime, while sugar gives more energy for a while, but then the person can feel worse than before.

· Young people don't need drinks with caffeine in them before an exam - their own stress will make them tense enough!

On the day of the exam

Some suggestions for your young people.

· Plan ahead. Double check the time and place of the exam and leave plenty of time to get there.

· Make sure you have everything you need to write with etc, ready the day before (with spares).

· Try to get a good sleep the night before - trying to cram in extra study can make you feel more stressed.

· Eat a good breakfast.

· Go to the toilet just before the exam starts.

· When you get in to the exam you should read all the directions on the paper and all the questions first so you know exactly what you need to do.

· Plan out the time so there is enough for each question.

· Then tackle the easiest questions first. If there is something that is hard, it is best to leave it and come back to it, so you don't waste a lot of time when you could be doing another question well.

· At the end almost everyone remembers something they wish they had said or done. It is very rare for anyone to do a perfect exam. Even if you feel you did badly on the day, you can't change what is past - but you will have lots more opportunities to do well in your life.

· Plan for a safe wind-down activity after the exams, eg some physical exercise, a get together at home with friends etc.

Source: cyh.com

Other links:

What is Stress? (part1)

What is stress? (Part 2)

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