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  • 3/18/2012

Urban beautification, Islamic Style

urban beautification

Development of cities and urban life is one of the phenomena of the ancient human civilization whose history goes back to a few thousand years ago. Historical evidences indicate that with the formation of various human civilizations the phenomenon of urban development also has been formed and has given a specific significance to the concept of concentrated settled population.

Although this phenomenon is as old as the ancient civilization, still, human beings are involved in various problems of urban life. Because this phenomenon takes a new form in every age and shows a new aspect with the passage of time.

Today in all the major cities of the world people have the same routine and unhappy lifestyles. But is there a solution to this huge problem of depression and boredom of urban people?

We all know that the sense of sight has a close relationship with one’s spirit and mental state. No one can deny the impact of scenery on the heart and mind of people.

Therefore, one of the important strategies for solving the psychological problems of the citizens is using the visionary tools (sceneries). It is clear that if people open their eyes on beauty and brightness, their hearts will feel the joy and the hope too and depression and tension will go away

Therefore, it could be said that since urban beautification can grant a new spirit to the weak body of the cities, the necessary and critical action should be taken in this regard. But this is very important to know what method to use in order to accomplish this task.

The process of beautification of the major cities in the world shows that people have gone too far in this too, like many other issues of the modern world, and have tried to make cities more beautiful at any cost. As a matter of fact, if the beauty is not real beauty, it could have no impact on the tired souls of the citizens.

Therefore, it should be noted that one of the necessities of urban life, is beauty and freshness; but not any kind of beauty; only beauty that comes from the truth, and is in accordance with human nature. Sometimes beautiful appearances only have destructive effects on the human spirit due to their conflict with human nature.

According to Imam Sadjad, “One should not look at what is unlawful and prohibited. Eyes are there to teach you in the light of divine knowledge, and the eyes are the entry point of lessons.”‌

So, it is important to bear in mind that although urban beautification is a necessary and pleasant thing to do, in order for it to be carried out, ways and methods in accordance with human nature need to be used.

Therefore, the desirable urban beautification is the one that increases the knowledge of the citizens and brings them closer to their human nature.

The industrial nature of the cities inflicts depression and boredom on the spirits and lives of the people. This is why once people find a chance they leave their cities to the nature on holidays and try to find their spirit of freshness and delight. 

In order to solve this problem, the nature could be invited to the city, with the use of colours and water that Qur’an describes as a source of life; “We made from water every living thing.”‌ (Al-Anbiya’: 30)

Therefore, the revival of the ancient Islamic architecture seems to be necessary.

According to Imam Kadhim, “Three things please the eye; looking at the plains, looking at flowing water, and looking at beautiful faces.”‌

Translated by: Sadroddin Musawi

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