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Disadvantages, Incentives, Levels & Sorts of Arrogance


Disadvantages of Arrogance

Arrogance surrounds with a ring of vanity and pride and inflicts with the fondness of selfishness and showiness to the degree that nothing will satisfy the arrogant except false flattery and fake praise. The arrogant, then, can no longer see his defects and shortcomings, care about self-discipline, or remedy his flaws. The result will be that he becomes the target of criticism and the subject of malice and revulsion. Furthermore, the arrogant is the remotest from the right and justice. The arrogant, too, excites people’s malice and loathing in such a way that nobody else can do.

Incentives of Arrogance

Self-esteem is one of the incentives of arrogance, which occurs only when one feels that he bears abundant knowledge, high position, big fortune, or the like stimulants of selfishness. It may also be arisen from enmity, envy, or pride that may urge to challenge the ideal individuals for belittling their qualities of honour and daring them through various sorts of verbal and active practices.

Levels of Arrogance

Levels of arrogance vary according to the intensity of its signs.

The first level is that which is treated with modesty without allowing its signs and disadvantages to appear.

The second level is that when arrogance grows and allows its signs to appear through vain behaviours with people.

The third level is that in which arrogance prevails so aggravatingly causing megalomania and excessive fondness of high rank and showiness. Hence, you see the affected ones go on referring to their merits and disparaging others. This is in fact the worst level of arrogance.

Sorts of Arrogance

(1) Arrogance against God: This stands for the abstention from believing in Him and the vanity against obeying Him. This is definitely the worst kind of atheism and the most hideous sort of arrogance.

(2) Arrogance against the prophets: This stands for the vanity against believing and submitting to them. Though the two are very close to each other, this sort is, to some extent, less horrible than the first.

(3) Arrogance against people: This is achieved by showing contempt against people and regarding one’s being too far above them in words and deeds. Arrogance against the scholars””by regarding oneself too high for asking them or seeking their knowledge, is a subclass of arrogance against people.

Source: Ethical Role-Models by Sayyid Mahdi as-Sadr

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