• Counter :
  • 1603
  • Date :
  • 4/16/2011

Funny Riddles

funny laughing face

- What does a cat have that no other animal has?

- Kittens.


- What has two heads, four eyes, six legs, and a tail?

- A cowboy riding his horse.


- What always sleeps with its shoes on?

- A Horse.


- What is as big as an elephant, but weighs nothing at all?

- The shadow of an elephant.


- What fur do we get from a Tiger?

- As fur away as possible!


- Why do dragons sleep all day?

- They like to hunt Knights.


- What can honk without a horn?

- A goose.


- What has a horn but does not honk?

- A rhinoceros.


- What is the greatest worldwide use of cowhide?

- To cover cows.


- What two keys can't open any doors?

- A Donkey, and a Monkey.


- What room is never entered?

- A Mushroom.


- What gets beaten, and whipped, but never cries?

- An egg. -


- I have no bones and no legs, but if you keep me warm, I will soon walk away.What am I?

- An egg.


- What are two things you cannot have for breakfast?

- Lunch and dinner.


- How many blocks can you put in an empty box?

- One. After that it's not empty anymore.


- What kind of cup can't hold water?

- A cupcake.


- Why did the Bumble Bee put honey under his pillow?

- He wanted to have Sweet Dreams.


Source: rafed.net

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