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  • 496
  • Date :
  • 1/8/2011

Healthy cooked fish diet prevents stroke

grilled fish steak

Scientists suggest that eating fish regularly may be helpful in preventing strokes but if only it is not fried but prepared using healthy methods.

Women who ate more than three servings of fish per week had a 16 percent lower risk of stroke than women who ate less than one serving a week, showed a new research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish may decrease the risk of strokes by reducing blood pressure and blood (fat) concentrations, said Dr. Susanna Larsson of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.

Strokes caused by blockage of an artery supplying blood to the brain -- also known as a "cerebral infarction" or "ischemic stroke" - have been revealed to be the most common events, representing 78 percent of all strokes in the study.

Previous studies had shown that people who more regularly eat fish are less likely, than infrequent fish eaters, to develop a series of risk factors for heart diseases, diabetes and strokes.

Other studies have revealed that unhealthy cooking methods decrease the stroke-preventing effects of eating fish.

According to experts, deep-fat frying destroys omega-3 fatty acids, and the fried fish will contain cooking oil instead of the useful fatty acids.

The American Heart Association recommends that people eat non-fried fish, high in omega-3 fatty acids, at least twice a week.

Experts suggest that people use baking or grilling methods for preparing fish instead of frying it in cooking oil.

Source: presstv.ir

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