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  • 8/8/2010

Natural remedies for stomach pain


Abdominal, or stomach, pain can suddenly appear due to gastrointestinal conditions, improper digestion or a myriad of other reasons. Severe pain doesn’t necessarily mean a severe problem, nor is mild pain indicative of a minor problem, according to MedlinePlus.

However, if persistent pain or rapid onset sharp pain occurs, contacting a medical professional is prudent. Vital organs, apart from the stomach, exist in the abdominal region and should receive the proper attention.


Chamomile tea can help quell an upset stomach that is causing gas and diarrhea. The National Institutes of Health says chamomile has been a traditional method for thousands of years in the treatment of a variety of health conditions. The two types of chamomile, Matricaria chamomilla and Anthemis nobilis, both provide comfort to an unsettled stomach due to the essential oils and flavonoids present in the plant. Chamomile acts as a mild sedative for aches and pains while also relaxing muscles causing sharp pangs. In combination with other herbs, the National Institutes of Health says, chamomile can benefit those with stomach ache. Nonetheless, there still is insufficient data regarding the influence of this herb on abdominal pain.


Fennel is often mistaken for celery, due to its similar structure and coloring. According to Michigan State University, fennel helps to calm an upset stomach, aid in digestion and relieve flatulence.

Fennel supplies an impressive amount of vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin C, fiber, folic acid and potassium.

 In the book “Chinese Natural Cures: Traditional Methods for Remedy and Prevention,” Henry C. Lu says that a fennel tea can help heal stomach aches and abdominal pain, where a clinical report showed that fennel provides relief for a small intestine hernia in doses of 10 to 20 grams. Whether using fennel in food or as a tea, it may prove beneficial for individuals suffering from abdominal pain, although scientific research is limited in terms of its effectiveness.


The rhizomes and stems of ginger have a long-standing tradition in Chinese, Japanese and Indian medicine. The resin and essential oil present in this herb are commonly present in a variety of digestive, laxative and antacid medications, according to MedlinePlus. Supportive evidence indicates ginger’s ability to reduce chemotherapy- and pregnancy-induced nausea. The University of Maryland Medical Center also attributes the essential oils and pungent phenol compounds of ginger roots as a digestive aid for mild stomach upset and anti-inflammation. Although there are promising studies attributing to ginger’s benefits, there is still not enough evidence to determine its exact influence on stomach pain and other diseases.


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