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  • 6/20/2013

How to Get Rid of Itchy Skin?

how to get rid of itchy skin?

Everyone suffers from an itch now and then. Some of us have occasional trouble with itchy skin, while others seem to be constantly scratching to relieve an itch. But what causes us to itch. What causes our skin to itch so much that we will try almost anything to stop it?

Our bodies are a bundle of nerves, literally. The nervous system is composed of millions of sensors that receive information from our surroundings and send signals to the brain. The human skin contains a huge amount of nerve endings that are very small yet very sensitive. Without these we wouldn’t be able to feel the differences between hot and cold, rough and smooth and so on.

In some cases, our skin will itch because of the clothing or other surfaces touching it. If we have a mild skin condition that inflames the surface we might experience this as a general itchiness. Sometimes an allergic reaction to food, animals or plants shows up as a skin itch. Some types of illnesses also lead to itching, especially rashes and acne.

One of the common causes of itchy skin is simple lack of moisture. The human body is mostly water – as much as 80 percent in some estimates. If our skin doesn’t have sufficient moisture the result can be stimulation of the tiny nerve sensors. So we scratch this general itchy feeling. Our bodies also have a few important oils. Lack of these lubricating substances can cause the skin to dry up, wrinkle and contract. This can lead to the itching sensation as well.

Other causes include metabolic and endocrine disorders (for example, liver or kidney disease, hyperthyroidism), cancers (for example, lymphoma), reactions to drugs, and diseases of the blood (for example, polycythaemia vera). Itching is common with allergic reactions. Itching can also result from insect stings and bites such as from mosquito or flea bites.

Of course, we can deal with a mild case of “itch’ by simply scratching the area. This shouldn’t be aggressive however, because it can damage the skin surface. But it may help to stop the nerve endings from sending the “wrong”‌ signal. But scratching is a classic case of treating the symptom and not treating the disease. Many of the unhealthy conditions described above are the actual cause and these conditions should be treated properly. In some cases, this may require a visit to the family doctor or to a dermatologist.

Home Remedies

Here are few itching home remedies and natural cures regardless of the cause.

· The best way to allow irritated skin to heal is to stop scratching it. However, will power often is not enough since the urge to scratch can be compelling.

· Drink enough water. While water in contact with the skin can dry it out, ingested water naturally moisturizes the irritated skin that did not die and will ultimately help you heal faster.

· Baking soda. A topical paste made from equal parts of baking soda and water can also help soothe painful itches.  Do not apply baking soda to an itching open wound, or rashes with multiple blisters. Then Run the area under cool water and pat dry with a clean towel.

· Ice. You can also relieve itches by applying a cold compress on blisters or rashes.  An ice pack, or chunks of ice in a plastic bag wrapped in a towel, can serve this purpose.

· Lemon juice. Note that this treatment will not work for all skin types. Test a small area first to make sure that it will work for you. Lemon juice can be applied directly on the area that is itching and will help to relive the itch.

· Oatmeal mixture. This is another remedy that’s been used for generations. An oatmeal bath is a great way to treat your skin as well as to help relive itching. Mix the oatmeal, about two cups, with warm – not hot – water and soak in a relaxing tub. Don’t use hot water as it is known to irritate skin.

· Use mint, thyme and basil in a bath to avoid itching.

· Boil water with mint leaves in it. Dip washcloth in it and use it gently all over the body to ease itchy skin.

· Use moisturizing cream often. For sensitive skin, try apricot kernel oil as it is light and gets quickly absorbed into the skin.

· Apply a bit of toothpaste on the bug bite to draw out the itch.

· Benefits of Coconut oil. Problem areas for most people, even those without a skin condition, include the heels, feet and elbows. Coconut oil spread on these areas before going to bed will help to soften and smooth the area. For an added benefit, try wearing gloves and socks if those areas are really affected.

· Aloe Vera. One of the best treatments for itchy skin rashes is also one of the oldest: Aloe Vera. The gel from the Aloe plant is well-known for its skin soothing properties, particularly as a treatment for sunburns. However, it is also effective against rashes because it fights against the inflammation. It can also help fight bacteria and fungi that might try to get into your skin thanks to the scratching you’ve done. Plus all of the nutrients contained in the gel provided needed and healthy nourishment for your skin.

·Mix cinnamon powder with honey and apply on the affected areas. Keep it for 15 minutes then wash off with fresh water.

· Milk and honey recipe. A mixture of milk and honey can help ease itchy and dry skin. You can combine them into a bath for a nice soak or you can make a mixture that can be applied directly to the affected skin. Leave the cloth with the milk and honey mixture on the area for about five minutes, then rinse and pat dry.

· Wear cotton. Different types of fabrics can irritate sensitive skin. Cotton clothing is usually the best choice because it is one of the fabrics that doesn’t irritate the skin as much as others. It also lets your skin breathe easier than some other fabrics.








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