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  • 10/22/2008

What’s wrong With Biting My nails?


Crunch, crunch, crunch. Do you bite your nails? Some kids and adults do this, especially when they are feeling nervous. But it’s not a healthy habit.


 Here’s why:

Your fingernails have a couple of big jobs to do. They protect your fingertips and make it easier for you to pick up tiny things like loose threads. They also come in handy when you have an itch that needs scratching.

But when you bite your nails, your nails are not there to do those things. And by biting them, you are breaking the skin and maybe bringing germs to these openings in your skin. In fact, some people bite their nails and cuticles down so far they bleed! When germs invade, you can get an infection.


Speaking of germs under your fingernails, so when you bite them, those germs can go into your mouth. Think about all the icky stuff you touch all day long, like your baby sister’s drool-dripping pacifier, your stinky gym socks or slimy earthworms for your science project. You don’t want those nasty germs getting into your mouth.

If you want to stop biting your nails, good for you! You can ask your mom or dad to buy you a nail polish that makes your nail tastes awful.

 This can help you learn to stop biting them. It also may help to keep your nails trimmed and looking good. so good that you don’t want to chomp on them!

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